Stories in faces: Steve McCarry’s atmospheric portraits of people from around the world

Photographer-portraitist and reporter Steve McCurry became famous throughout the world for his unique works. The lens of his camera saw absolutely all people whose faces are an inimitable spectrum of emotions, feelings and experiences. Each shot is a small story about people’s life in conflict zones and others rural places.

Steve's work is not required any flattering reviews, He managed to catch not only human emotions, but also freeze in picture the state of mind of every passer-by. His images have neither geographical nor linguistic boundaries. All of them are imbued with a special atmosphere and mood inherent in one or another moment. Combining documentary and artistic photography in one frame, McCarry masterfully reflects the harsh reality, seasoned with natural beauty and ease. People in his work look incredibly alive. Their faces, eyes, smiles, brooding looks are more eloquent than any words. These images keep elusive moments of simple, everyday life.

Portrait work of Steve McCarry.

Afghanistan, 2002. Author: Steve McCurry.

Bangladesh, 1983. Author: Steve McCurry.

Brazil, 2010. Author: Steve McCurry

Kashmir, 1998. Author: Steve McCurry.

Portrait of a Man, Kashmir, 1998. Author: Steve McCurry.

Nepal, 1983. Author: Steve McCurry.

India, 1983. Author: Steve McCurry.

Pakistan, 2007. Author: Steve McCurry.

Philippines, 1985 year. Author: Steve McCurry.

Yemen, 1997. Author: Steve McCurry.

Portrait of a Woman, Yemen, 1997. Author: Steve McCurry.